Thursday, March 10, 2011


***These views may not be your own, but I encourage all to research on their own. Read and educate yourself, don't just believe blindly.***

Every few years something will spark a religious search of sorts in my life, ex-hubs would be the best person to confirm this. Anyway, I watched a video on YouTube that started this. If you are interested:

Now I watched part1 and 2. It made me think about religion again and the many spiritual journeys I have embarked on to understand God and religion. I believe there is a difference between God and religion. Long before I saw David Icke's information, I believed religion is used for control. I believe the human race is trained to believe what they are told and accept it. There are people out there in the world who go against the "norm" and think for themselves, and I think the "powers in charge" feed us information in such a way to paint these free thinkers as dangerous, crazy, trouble, and not to be trusted.

I feel I am a free thinker in many ways (do not get me wrong, I will fall into societal norms to avoid major conflict if needed). God and religion is a topic in which my brain has no limits. I don't place limits on my beliefs or how I choose to seek out God and be close to him. Most of my adult life I have thought it is possible that all world religions are worshiping the same God, only by different names and ways that fit that culture. I think mankind changed and altered religion to control citizens. In many ways religion is still used this way today.

My beliefs....and it is funny, they really haven't changed much in my adult life.....
I believe in the Christian God and Trinity because that is what is most familar to me, however I think the scope of who and what God is and how God looks is beyond anything our brains can process, at least in our earthly form. I read a book The Shack by William P Young that gave me the BEST way to look at God. It is worth a read, believe me.

I find that I identify with Eastern philosophies towards worship (notice I didn't say religion). I have been reading about the worship practices of Hinduism because I am often drawn to information about it. I read this the other night:
Sanskrit: एकम् सत् विप्रा: बहुधा वदन्ति
Transliteration: Ekam Sat Vipr¨¡ha Bahudh¨¡ Vadanti
English: "Truth is One, though the Sages know it as Many."
-- The Rig Veda (Book I, Hymn CLXIV, Verse 46)
Essentially, any kind of spiritual practice followed with faith, love and persistence will lead to the same ultimate state of self-realization. Thus, Hindu thought distinguishes itself by strongly encouraging tolerance for different beliefs since temporal systems cannot claim sole understanding of the one transcendental Truth. source
This really reached out to me, since I feel drawn to Hinduism. So I am currently reading more about it. I had thought about getting the OM symbol tattooed on the back of my neck about 4 years ago and thought of it many times since. Never really thought about its connection to Hinduism until I started researching. ( Random thought: I may get it as my next tat instead of my sparrow.)

I separate from Christianity in one way, but I believe it is our form of purgatory, so I guess it isn't that far. I believe in reincarnation. People look at me funny with that statement. I will explain. I believe we take an earthly form many times to learn certain lessons to bring us closer to God. I don't believe really in past life regression in hypnosis. What I think is these lessons are learned deep in our souls. Have you ever met someone so young yet they were so wise? I believe they are a soul that has been around a couple of times. Or those people that never seem to learn their lesson in life and we all shake our head at them or we just can't help but say "bless your heart" (also knowns as the southern "You dumbass").....I think those are young souls still learning. I think many of us have a soul in between these extremes. I think many of us find our understanding with God early on in reincarnation and move on to the next life cycle of the soul.

I just wanted to put some thoughts out there. Feel free to leave comments if you happen to stop by and this post catches your attention.

Peace out my peeps.....May you find solace and peace in your search and understanding of God and what God means to you.

The Om symbol: This symbol has provided me with a peaceful feeling for many years. I have it shown here in what may end up the way I will get it tattooed. I love the Celtic touch.

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