Monday, November 19, 2007

Sneaking in unnoticed

So I haven't posted in a while. As a matter of fact I even started another blog for a short time to help me deal with the darker side of this divorce. I don't know if my ex still reads this or not, if you do, I hope nothing I say on here will upset you any longer. However I doubt that to be the case.

As a way to say hello again to the blogging world I chose to show you what I am doing over my Thanksgiving break.

I am learning how to Soulja Boy (or Crank That). It is a reward that my classes are battling for. They hope to be the class that gets to see me do the Soulja Boy.


Michellious said...

Ohh doing tha "Crank That"! Sounds fun!

Unknown said...

You know I have already been taught this!

Sassy Blondie said...

I know it too...what a sad commentary on my life. ;)

Glad you're BACK!

Texas Grey said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I know the kids are going to LOVE it :-)

Sassy~ Feels good to be back here. Like returning home each time I come back.