Monday, June 18, 2007

News Flash

I am an adult.

Scary thought, I know and I also know there are some out there in the world who feel I still need lots of protection like an infant child. But guess what, I am an adult. I can actually stand up and take what the world has to offer and sometimes the lemons don't go so well with the tequila. I don't need to be told I am irrational. I don't need to be told I am a whore. I don't need to be told how I am fucking my life up. UNDERSTAND IT IS MY LIFE TO FUCK UP. I am an adult, deal with it, I have. Quite frankly people may not like the things I do or how I choose to live my life, but it is MY LIFE. I am not one to tell others how to live theirs. I may offer my observations and will give my opinion when asked, but I don't have any right to tell someone else how to live or to judge them for the way they choose to live their lives. I understand that I may not be the picture of what others think I SHOULD be, but that is fine, this is who I am, deal with it. This is the person I have needed to let out. It is a little over the top at the moment because it has been bottled up and locked away in the dark recesses of my soul for many years. I may go a little overboard at first, but I will calm down and mellow out and then just simply be the wonderful person that God intended. God can see into my heart and knows the reasons for every move I make and according to the good book loves me despite my sins. He is the only one allowed to judge if I remember correctly. You can tell me you are worried or that you don't want me to get hurt, but understand I AM MAKING THESE CHOICES FOR MYSELF and I am willing to be woman enough to accept the consequences as well.

Peace out my true to yourself because in the end the only person you can ever really know is YOU.


Sassy Blondie said...

Amen! It's always good to validate yourself! Be happy, be safe.

Anonymous said...

You are an adult, and can do what ever the hell you want to do. But you have PITA at home that you need to think about also. Your actions have a direct impact on her. Think of the role model you are being to her now. What happens when your actions lead you to not come home, ever? I was worried about you, but I will never make that mistake again.
