Saturday, May 12, 2007

To be able to survive

I think I have come to the conclusion that to be able to survive this thing with hubs I am going to have to surround myself with people. It is only when I am chatting, visiting, or hanging out that I don't sink too far into darkness, but as soon as I am alone and things get quiet, this black cloud seems to enter my world and I don't know how to push it away.

Today I went to Taste of Addison with Sassy and had fun. Good food, lots of people watching and good music. I need to make more of those times happen, otherwise, I don't think I can make it through this.

And I am just wondering...How important is individuality anyway? I mean would it be so bad to give up completely on yourself for another person? But then the downside, what if the other person is never willing to do the same....I guess then it wouldn't be such a good idea. I know the right answers, but just needed to see the questions in black and white. Guess it is time for tequila and music.

Peace out my peeps...sorry for all the darkness, I am going to have to come up with something funny soon....sleep well.

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