Sunday, October 29, 2006

Blind Baseball

Ok, you all know about my "insensitive" comments about special needs people and children and many of you know that the comments that are considered insensitive that hub's writes down and posts on the fridge are never meant to be insensitive. I just speak before I think a lot of times. I really wish my brain was faster than my mouth.

Anyway...Hubs invited me to go to a baseball game that one of his students was playing in. His student is blind. Then he tells me that all of the participants are blind. I told hubs I thought this would be dangerous. Someone could get hurt. He reminds me they play with a ball that beeps. So great...I go with him (even after the mess with the family that had me in a horrible mood that night). I call my aunt to get someone to help pull me out of my funk and hubs tells her where we are. She then tells hubs "When the blind kids put down their drink, move it and see what happens". LMAO. See, I come by it naturally!!!! I told my aunt "You just made my blog" to which she responded "DON'T use my name!!" lol Oh how my family cracks me up, at least the ones I still talk too.

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