Friday, October 27, 2006


Ok, I have a few funny things to post and will when I get past this, but tonight my family just moved to another level of pure spitefulness that I just can't comprehend.

I am throwing a baby shower for my sister this weekend. She is due in December and I can't wait to see Blake and hold him in my arms. He is truly a miracle baby. This was a completely unexpected pregnancy and the answer to my sister's prayers. I am so excited for her. Anyway, when talking about who to invite my sister tells me to invite the family. The ones that seem to support my father even after he told my sister and I that he would rather vomit than spend the holidays with us last year.

So I send out the invites. With every intention in the world of seeing them all this weekend and everyone playing nicey nice like always. I was told I wasn't allowed to send one to our father's home. I completely understand and support my sister since I know everything he has been pulling with the two of us.

I call one of our cousins yesterday and get this brush off about how she is working and probably won't make it because she will be too tired from working the day before. Ok, fine, but something in my gut told me this isn't all there is to it. GRRRRRRRR, I should have fucking known. I called my sister who is a senior in high school who has moved back in with Satan. I wanted to make sure she called pregnant sis since today is her birthday. Seems the word on the street is my side of the family is too good for the shower I am throwing (not exactly, Satan and his whore are pouting because they weren't invited) so they are going to throw their own next weekend. Pregnant sis will not go to it, so really they are throwing a pity party. I seriously don't fucking get the family I am in.

Tonight I sit here, wanting nothing more than to open a bottle of wine and make my heart stop hurting. I am pissed they are doing this to my sister and my new nephew and I want to protect them from my family's meanness. Ugh, really though I am hurt knowing once again these people have let me down and can't live up to even polite expectations.

Peace out my peeps. Thank you for letting me vent, I promise to have good stories about blind baseball and my nekkid nephew soon.

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