Thursday, November 23, 2006


I truly hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving.

We went to Ladonia and celebrated with hub's family. They are good people and I love them dearly, but I am still missing my family's traditions. Tonight I have a craving for "the cake". Unreal how something that I once thought of as a miserable thing to have to do is the one thing I want most to do this year. Hubs went out tonight to get me the things I needed to make the German chocolate cake. My mouth is watering at the idea of how it will taste in the morning with coffee. Anyway, tomorrow night I am planning a little thing with my sister and her family.

We have the Mary Kay open house this weekend. Hubs says no one is going to show. I know it is his way of trying to prevent me from getting my hopes up too high. One of these days this business has got to work.

Peace out my peeps. Sleep well under the fog of that turkey dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Texas,

Listen to that still, small, voice that has doubt's about your MK open house this weekend. Listen to your husband - even if he was wrong and you have loads of people show up... was it really worth all your time, labor, sacrifice, and expense?

Check out for the real scoop on the Mary Kay business plan.

MK is truly slave labor and the Holiday Open Houses as a sales vehicle are a waste of precious family time and THE ONLY way MK corporate can get consultants to buy a whole bunch of inventory to make production quotas during the holiday season (that and telling you to give MK as presents to everyone on your list this year!) YOU are the final customer in the eyes of MK, they really don't care if you never ever resell this stuff to anyone else.

You are most likely working way too hard and will never realize a decent profit no matter how long you stick with MK or how many trainings you attend - not unless you are totally willing to fleece other women along the way by convincing them to sign up as IBC's and buy loads of inventory up front. And even if you go DIQ it only gets worse. There is no money there.

Your lack of success in MK so far is not your fault. You are not a failure, the deck is just stacked against you and if you stay in long enough you will find that you just cannot work hard enough or sacrifice enough in this business to make it. The dream they present to you is an elaborate smokescreen.

Your husband, NOT your friendly and "successful" Upline Director, is the one who has got your back and is looking out for your family's best interest. Listen to him and to your family's accountant at tax time. Mary Kay as an IBC or even as a MK Director is a LOSING VENTURE. Be strong and get out before it's too late.

Take this advise from someone who's been there, done that. This was a lesson learned the hard way!

Good luck to you! If no one shows up to your Open House, take it as the blessing it is and box that stuff up, send it back, and get on with your life.