Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Holy Cow...

...where did June go??


I have a new job!!! I am tickled about it, nervous, but very excited about the new position. I will be teaching 5th grade social studies. This should be a treat since it is American History and the only history I have known for the last 3 years has been inside the state of Texas. It will be fun to explore US history some :-)

PITA.....Dear God what am I going to do with this child?!? It seems she has gotten close with the neighbor's long lost son. Trading saliva close. When will she learn?? Besides, I may have to change her name to Juliet. IT seems the boy had a great pick up line for her "Hey, you know, we are like Romeo and Juliet. Do you want to be my Juliet?" ~gagging and trying not to get sick~ Of course PITA was ALL OVER that line.....hook, line and sinker. ~still gagging~ Anyway, I got home from the store yesterday (I found all of this out on the phone with the neighbor's while shopping for our 4th cookout) and asked PITA into the kitchen. It was simple I needed to make sure we have a few things squared away. I asked if she needed a flask of poison (to which she stared at me like I had lost my mind), then I wanted to know if she needed a friar or a nurse maid (still the "I think my mom is on crack" look). Then I said "What do you think, Juliet?" She then told me she felt like she was going to be sick. At what point will this child learn that I find out everything eventually????

Hubs.....worried about me I think. I kind of sank into a dark mood over the last week or so. I am coming out of it little by little. I am not really sure what got me spiraling downward, but I am trying to pull the plane back up before we crash.

Mary Kay.....UGH, this is hard work and I am a chicken. That is the biggest problem with the business. I will get better with it, but for now I am just frustrated. I need to get some people to commit to having a facial with me and trying the products and then I need to start selling the hell out of this stuff. I have things I want to buy!!

In general....I am detoxing from my best bud. I hope he gets better soon because I miss him bunches!!!

Peace out my peeps....Happy 4th!!!


David M said...

I'm gettting better every day hon.

Surgery went well and I feel great! Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts.

Texas Grey said...

YES!! David is back......

I am happy to hear everything has gone well. I can't wait until you are 100% again.