Saturday, June 03, 2006


Ok, I have never said I was a model parent, as a matter of fact I am the first to say I pretty much suck at the job. Hell, does anyone know how freaking HARD this parenting thing is?? So Princess PITA's grades came in. Oh joy!! We knew this was coming, but I still wasn't really prepared. It is now officially, she failed at least one class every six weeks the whole school year! How is it that the child of TWO school teachers, with such supportive people around her, can't for whatever reason PASS her classes! Notice, I didn't say make As or Bs, I just want her to pass. Not that big of a hurdle in my mind, but for some reason it is a blast for her to punish us. I honestly believe that is part of it for her. So that leads me to my dream last night....

I dreamt that I was being held hostage by PITA. At least, hubs and I were. She was brutal too, not a nice person to be held hostage by. The police wouldn't even help me with the situation when I called them.

So I tell hubs about this dream and he agrees with a thought I was already having myself. That it feels like we are hostages a lot of the time. (I know, I am a crappy parent.) If some one out there knows the answer to this question then please answer: What is a parent suppose to do when they know they have lost all control of the child, but the child is still not out of control? What do you do to prevent them from becoming out of control when you don't have any control? Some one PLEASE help me!!

PITA is one of the reasons I want the MK business to work. If I am doing MK, I will be home more and maybe able to guide her a little better. I am terrified of what the next three years hold for me. I am afraid that either myself or PITA are not going to make it out of the next three years alive and it is a toss up as to who will be the woman left standing. Say a little prayer for me, because I am truly a parent in crisis.

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