Saturday, June 03, 2006

Just open up your mouth......

and talk!!

Those who know me well, know that I don't usually have a problem with this. So why can't I get my head around the fact that I HAVE to talk to people to be able to sell them something?!?! It should be as easy as saying "Hi, I was wondering if....and is there any reason why...." GRRRR, what is it with me??

Today, I went out to first weekend trades day in Garland and enjoyed it very much. I sat and visited with my wonderful aunt and discussed all kinds of things, too bad I didn't take the time to meet any new people and tell them about Mary Kay. I am sure hubs was a little frustrated, but I know he understands I am struggling with this and trying to get better.

We are suppose to be taking a trip to downtown Dallas and see if I will be able to open my mouth and speak then.

BTW~ I had a blast last night at a friend's house. It was nice to visit with some people from work and it not really be about WORK :-)

Peace out my peeps.....later I will tell you about the wicked dreams I had about PITA. G'Night.

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