Thursday, June 08, 2006

Good News

All around.

I booked another facial today! And it seems that my PR move of sending out post cards to people I hadn't been able to reach seems to have worked! One of the women I called tonight said she got my card and wants to set something up with me. It is GREAT news to say the least.

Then before I got a chance to start working on my Mary Kay calls tonight I got a call from an elementary school in Rockwall that would like me to come in for an interview for a 2nd grade position. I am pretty tickled about it!!! They wanted me to interview for kindergarten, but I know better and told the secretary that I know in my heart that kindergarten isn't the right place for me.

So things are starting to look up. Maybe I need to keep stating my little affirmation every day. It was something that a dear friend (who I might say helped me through a very hard year this last year) pointed me to before school was out and this one little Om got my attention. I think it is a good thought that all should consider saying before starting their day:
I am a creative being, using my energy to co-create a wonderful world. I know that I create my experience of life from within, and as I do so, I also create ripples of energy around me that echo into the world. My positive thoughts gather together with the thoughts and prayers of others, and together we create enough positive energy to heal not only our own lives but the world we share. I am grateful for the ability to co-create good in my life and in the world.

Peace out my peeps. Have a great night and I will keep you posted on my progress.

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