Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Stars

Time to shift gears? Then stop working. Put down the legal pad, the calculator and all work-related tools. In fact, don't just put them down, put them away -- far away. You need some serious recreation, but with that roll you've been on lately, you may also need some help loosening up -- a shoulder rub, maybe, or just a good, long chat with a friend. Of course, laughter has always been your best friend. Why not find a playmate?

I love that idea of not working LOL. Hubs would not care for that too much. But I really do need some serious play time these days. And see even my stars say it is time for me to find a where to find one? :-)


Anonymous said...

Legal stuff? Calcs? I just run from them as a dog runs from thunders. (: Pretty blog!

Sassy Blondie said...

Grey....I only wish I felt like playing these days...I just wish I could sleep for 40 years like Rip Van Winkle...I need to pass over this moment in my life. We'll talk soon, and I will share with you my melancholy.

Texas Grey said...


Being a tiger myself and a fire sign I think a Monkey would drive me a little too nuts LOL

Texas Grey said...


You will find time soon. When is your Spring break?? Same as ours?