If any of you know the song the "Christmas Shoes" and it chokes you up and makes you cry, then this is probably going to get you too. Have some tissue near by as you watch the video.You will get to hear the back ground story, but I can tell you a little more. I taught Erioca (pronounced Erica) last year and she comes in my room every day (even though I don't teacher her this year) and gives me a hug every 7th period. Just one of those things that I stop in my busy hectic day and am happy she is there to give me one. {Getting on a soap box: I don't care what state legislature idiots say or administrators that forget what it is like to be in the room with these kids.....kids need to be touched, there is even research about it on babies in hospitals and if they want to fire me one day for me a "mom" to these kids that I see 8 hours a day 5 days a week and some even more because they get to my room at 7am and come and sit in there because it is too cold outside or stay in my room until 6pm because there is no one there to pick them up - then fire me, but I will give hugs to any child that needs it!!!~ stepping off my soap box and trying not to break an ankle} She is the girl with the short curly hair at the end with the red shirt on. I cried like a baby watching this because I know the child. Her dad has been on pain killers for the really bad kind of arthritis that I don't know how to spell the R word for because I haven't had my coffee yet and I am still teared up (David M helped me find it: Rheumatoid Arthritis) . The doctor messed up the prescription and double the dose. Dad took two pills like he always has and he collapse from an over dose causing a stroke. He was hospitalized and they knew it wasn't promising but he started getting better, the family had some hope that he was going to recover. Then something happened and he passed away after 3 weeks in the hospital. It was VERY unexpected.
They got nominated and selected for a holiday home invasion by one of the radio stations here in Dallas. Here is the link to see how it all went:
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