Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Another one bites the dust......maybe

You would think that a boss would have a light bulb go off in his or her head if people kept leaving their place of business. You would hope that the boss would start looking around and see if there are ways to improve the working environment or their handling of their employees to make them want to stay. I always fall under the idea that if people love you that will work that much harder for you.

It is so hard to be in a place where people don't want to work. No one should have to spend 8 hours a day at a place they hate just for a paycheck. Life really shouldn't be that way.

I have been asked a few times this week......What happens if I break contract? There isn't much a district can do but hold our certifications for a year or so. If you are getting out of teaching then it isn't a big deal, but if you want in another district that might be a problem. I honestly don't think there is much that can be done at all. I am starting to wonder how many people we will be losing at Christmas this year.

Not really sure where any of this is going, but I can tell you that I am not looking forward to training another group of teachers after Christmas break LOL


Unknown said...

Im not going anywhere...and Im so sad to lose our C bone. I wish him the best of luck. I just want him to be happy!!

Texas Grey said...

I feel very much the same way. I am sure he will find something that will make him happy.