Thursday, September 22, 2005


On all kinds of things.....

Greyhounds first.....I think I am about ready to wring my darling Wink's neck. I never thought a counter-surfing dog would drive me as nuts as he does. I know why he does most of his behaviors too. It seems the days that I am not in the house long or come home late is when he does something really bad. Tonight when we went to pick up Princess PITA from her football game, I come home to find the fresh-from-the-freezer box of Samoa Girl Scout cookies missing. Where should I find the box upon searching the house....In about 15 pieces in the two dog beds. Hubby swears that Wink is setting up Dagwood and I am starting to think he might have something there. We have tried baiting Wink and having several empty coke cans fall on the floor in hopes it would scare him enough that he wouldn't want to surf anymore, but tonight is proof that the cans didn't do the trick. Next will be the pencil cup idea we were given. I will let you know how that one works out.

My search.....ummmmm, yeah, not going where I would like it to. Good grief how hard is it to just find neat, fun, a little on the freaky side kind of people to hang out with??

School....Well it seems I can't make my assistant principal happy right now. Seems there is concern about how 7th grade history is being taught in my building. Funny, I have done this for 3 years and this is the first time anyone said they didn't like how I was doing it and the one complaint he has about my teaching was the one thing my student surveys last year stated that the kids wanted more. Why is lecturing a bad thing? I learned well and succeeded on tests and my teachers didn't teach me with "hands on" activities. It was basically listen to what I tell you and read the book to find the answer. And while I am on this, his comment to me today was that I am teaching to the MTV generation. UM, NOT, I am from the freaking MTV generation, the kids we teach now are not what I would call the "MTV generation". This group of kids is about computers and technology. Maybe I missed something or I am not fully seeing his point, but I think he described the kids I am teaching with an incorrect term. I also had to tell him that I had duties as a cheerleading sponsor that I needed to complete before finding more materials on maps, charts, and graphs since it is my fault as a 7th grade teacher that the 8th grade students suck at maps, charts, and graphs. (To my 8th grade team, I love you all and I am sorry I screwed up your kids and didn't teach them the right material to do well on your benchmark tests.) Anyway, when I mention that I have something I need to do before that search for materials, I was reminded that I am contracted to be a teacher, I reminded him that I am also paid to be a cheer sponsor. To that he was speechless. And while we are on the topic of my contract, my day is from 8 to 4pm. That is all I am effing paid for, I put in minimum 20 hours over that a week on school related tasks that I am NOT paid for. So if we want to just focus on my contract, then I will work my 8 to 4pm and not help out with anything that I can't do on my 45 minute conference. I wonder if they would know the difference if I wasn't there busting my ass every freaking day for them.

I think it is time for a sick day...cough, cough......I think I have a fever and can't make it to school.


David M said...

You know if I didn't know better I'd think Wink and Dag were my boys. LOL

Texas Grey said...

LOL My boys are a mess. We got them these wonderful long lasting milk bones last night. Wink is a bit neurotic, he couldn't finish the bone,but carried it every where he went. He accidently dropped it and Dags popped in on him and stole the last third of it.