Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Working Out

With my adventure in weight loss still on a steady course I find myself searching for some kind of work out that I will find fun and enjoyable enough to do more than once. In my search here is what I have found:

Jeff Costa's Cardio Striptease Workout: OMG!! This is the funniest DVD I have watched in a while. The moves were ok and I can see getting a good workout from them, however it is the commentary from Jeff that is so hilarious. The family actually sat around watching this tape laughing our asses off at the things he would say. The whole ab routine that is done standing up, he claims it is great for doing in the line at the grocery store. Ok, so I found this one wasn't for me.

Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease (Yes I know there is a theme forming): This was a good video for working out. Something I would definitely do again, so I am now looking into purchasing the set (pretty much the curse of death for any DVD in my house LOL). There was a great dancers warm up on there and the moves weren't crazy, however some of the moves like isolating just my ribcage to rotate in circles, I just couldn't get that down. And I am not so sure about that slapping my ass part in each of the dances.

Gloves and bag: God love hubby, he knows when I am just not going to give in on some things. Last night I got my first set of boxing gloves, they are so fun to put on and punch with. Hubby says I have no power in my punch and don't hurt him. However, I don't think it best that he be my full time punching bag. I am still trying to work him for the punching bag for our anniversary. Seems only fitting since I am going to sit through Neil Diamond for his gift. Some how I think boxing and getting out my frustrations might turn into a good workout for me :-).

Anyway....All this trying out of workouts is fun and it has had a benefit. I saw a 2.8 pound loss last night that brings my total to 46.8 now. It is so nice that without really trying I am finally seeing some results. I don't care what anyone might think, but Weight Watchers WORKS!!

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