Sunday, September 18, 2005

The search begins

I have been telling my husband and some of my good friends that I need a gay man in my life. Someone who has the same interest as myself and would be a good person to hang out with occasionally. I have wanted someone to go to the movies, dinner, Starbucks, bookstores and things like that with. Hubby isn't in to those types of things, movies and dinner yeah but the movies I like are nothing like the ones he likes. I also enjoy male companionship.

I decided to try out Craigslist. I have heard all kinds of things about it and thought it might be worth a whirl. I didn't specify that I wanted a gay man and probably should have. I have gotten e-mails from about 12 men, some just didn't get the strictly platonic part. I am not looking to cheat on my husband or have an affair, I just want a guy friend that I can go out with and talk to that is close to home. I may have to post another message on Craiglist and attempt to find a gay man instead of a straight guy. I had one guy send me a set of pics of a guy getting a BJ, ummmmm, how did that fit with platonic? Why do straight guys just assume that a woman is looking for a little something on the side if they want a male friend? Just because I want to hang out with a guy doesn't mean I want to have sex with him. One of the guys I e-mailed back and forth with asked to see a picture which I didn't mind sending him. He then asked for more pictures and wants "sexy" ones. Ummmmmmmmm, that kind of doesn't go with the platonic thing either if you ask me.

Anyway...The search has started, we will see how this turns out.

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