Saturday, September 17, 2005

If I were a rich girl....

....I wouldn't teach anymore.

Seriously! I love having the rare opportunity to warp young minds but these 60 hour work weeks are killing me!

I got away today for a few hours with my inlaws. My mother in law is a trip. She has gotten more and more out spoken as she has gotten older. She let loose on lawyers this week when she was called in for jury duty. I swear I don't think she will ever get picked for a jury, but if I was a prosecutor I would want her on my side. It was a case for a drug dealer in their small Texas town (I mean there are like 667 people in town, super small). She wanted to know why the charge was worse when he was in a "drug free" zone around the school. And she has a good point, isn't selling drugs bad no matter where you are? I mean there are kids where ever you go in that town so it would be bad for someone to sell drugs anywhere. Anyway, I just love listening to her hot sports opinions.

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