Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Be a part of the team

I have mentioned that I am the department head for the history department in my school. A little background on my school: 1) We have replaced over 60 staff members in 14 months, 2) the principals demand a LOT from their staff, and 3) morale as a whole has sucked for the last year or so.

When I was made DH of history I decided that it would be good for the teachers in my department to feel good. Not only about the job we do but just about being at work. Nothing is worse than hating the place you have to go to for 8-12 hours a day. I have a plan to do little warm fuzzies to just make their days.

Anyway~ Birthdays.....they are important, at least to me. I think they should be week long celebrations. I got the birthday of each of my department members so we could acknowledge each other's birthdays. Monday was the first one (I was a complete loser and forgot to get something over the weekend). I picked up a card and a plant for the teacher yesterday and the goal was to have all of the people in the department sign the card. One teacher out of the whole group tells me she "doesn't celebrate birthdays" (What the fuck???, I was confused). I asked, yours or others? She says all and that she won't sign the card. I am just stunned by this. I didn't ask for money towards a present or anything like that, just thought it might be nice to have EVERYONE sign a damn card.

I don't really know where I am going with this, but it is one thing in a long line of things that I feel are going to be a problem with this member of my team. Just know that I needed to at least vent somewhere about this. All I am trying to do is help the morale for my little department and of course my hallway. With as little recognition as we get in our building you would think all the teachers would want to support one another and do a few little warm fuzzies for each other. Besides we are a team!!

And then my question is......Do I get her anything for her birthday? Deep down I feel like I should because that was my plan from the start, but then if she "doesn't celebrate birthdays" will I offend her if I do? Will it offend her if I get something for the rest of the department and ignore her birthday?

Lastly....why should I even care?

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