Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Adventures in weight loss

Tonight I chose to use my no weigh in pass for the first time since joining Weight Watchers. It was really hard to do that. I felt so guilty about not getting on the scale that I had them weigh me anyway. I was up 4.6 pounds! Holy Cow!! I have no idea where that came from. I stayed within my points and all.

I think the fact that I have lost 4 nights of sleep and the bottle of wine last night may have contributed to my weight gain.

I will just get back on track and focus on eating right and drinking more (fluids in general) this next week. Something has got to work. I can't just stop losing altogether. It is easier to know that I had a gain and not have it actually written down in my little book. I think actually seeing the numbers and a big gain like that would really hurt my progress.

Onward and downward. And as a wise friend reminds me......The only easy day was yesterday!


1 comment:

David M said...

Your friend sounds like a wise person. *grin*

Just remember there are bound to be setbacks along the way. These are not obstacles that can not be circumvented, but rather small hillocks in your climb to the top of the mountain.

Can Do Be.

I'm right there with you.