I had so many thoughts run through my head tonight while I was outside exercising my lung and enjoying the wet evening air.
First off...that little blog post I put up last night reminded me how good it feels to just let loose and hell maybe even someone will read it and might have something to say or gain from what I write, even thought what I write about are my random thoughts and experiences.
So first off, it is nice to know that what I can't put on Facebook I can blow the hell up with it on her.
Last night I got my ass handed to me by my daughter Princess PITA (for those that don't know PITA=Pain In The Ass) and her best friend of almost ten years. Now her best friend and I have gotten so close that I see her as a second daughter. She is preggers. We will call her.....hmmmm.....PITA2. PITA2 is dating a wonderful young gentleman named City. Now City is like a brother to me. Nothing I wouldn't do for him SuWoop!!! So those are the main characters for last night's drama called as the stomach churns.
I went by to see City after I got off work to chill for a bit, tell him about my killer day at work and see how things are going. Anyway he gets a call from PITA2, she is tripping balls. Tells him I better not be there and she better not see my car or she is going to go stay with her dad. City feels horrible. I have no issues with getting my stuff and going, I am just lost as to what was going on. He asked me not to hold this against him.
Then I see two passive aggressive freaking posts on Facebook LOL...THANK GOD we didn't have Facebook when I was in high school...anyway, one message is on her main wall and it is directed right at me, but the coward wouldn't say it directly to me, then she posts a message on Princess PITAs Facebook, which comes up in my News feed. Oh holy hell, for me to be in my mid 30s and to know the drama I experienced last night like I was freaking 16....I almost have to laugh my fucking ass off.
So I sent PITA2 a text message. Told her to come real to the one she is really pissed at. So then she calls, pissed cause I hadn't answered her texts, never got them, ran upgrades on my phone and finally started getting texts again....So she yells at me, because we had K2 (yeah, if you have an opinion, it is fine, but whatever). Yet this chick smokes weed EVERY day (and did you remember I mentioned...preggers). She whines and yells that he isn't allowed to have anything she can't. UNREAL...I hurt for my bro City....I know he loves her and I support them being able to stay together, but at some point he is going to snap.
Then I get a text from Princess PITA....wait you need the back story first.....so 2 years ago my daughter start screwing my ex, the Thug who got me deep into the drug scene, and had me smoking so much weed, the only time I would be sober was when I was at work, because that was the only place I was happy. God I hated having to go home at night that last year. Anyway....another time I can spew that mess. So she has been living with him, for about 8 mos, she paid all his bills by stripping. She finally decided to leave him and hook up with this man who is 4 years older than me (20 year age difference, I can't say anything...long story I will tell another time). Anyway she went back to my ex the Thug this last weekend. So the guy she was just dumped is a hopeless flirt. But nothing more. Yes he flirted with me, and in some ways found myself attracted to him, but I NEVER crossed the line of talking. So we were talking about maybe seeing what's up....this didn't happen until after PITA left him. PITA now says I am a bitch and other pretty nasty things to me because I dared talk to the guy. UGH.
At least I have Army to help keep me sane.....now he is the one I need to talk about at some point.
Peace out my Peeps....if you stopped by tonight and read...thanks, if no one ever reads these...all can say is it feels great to just throw the shit out there and not keep it bottled up