Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I guess I missed a memo somewhere. It is odd how people can get so close and talk so often and then one day one of them just disappears. Literally, poof, gone. How is it that someone can talk to you every day and share parts of themselves and their lives with you and then they fall off the face of the earth? I understand that people get busy with their lives. I have no issues with that at all. That is just plain normal. What I have a problem with is when someone tells you they will do something and then they done. I know life happens and I am understanding of that.

I guess what I am trying to say is I hate when a friendship dies and NO ONE lets me in on the fact that it died and I should just let it go. Hell, at least tell me if you decide that you are too busy for a friend. Tell me if you aren't going to have ANY time to send a hello email. Tell me if the friendship is OVER.

I keep thinking things are ok and will try for a while to contact someone, but after a while it starts to kind of hurt your feelings like someone is avoiding you. I would just feel better if people were up front and honest instead of "faking it"...and BADLY I might add.

Peace out my peeps...thank you for letting me rant as usual.

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