Thursday, July 20, 2006

Happy Blog-aversary to me!!

Wow the whole day went by and I nearly forgot to post this. Damn Mary Kay keeping me busy today....only to have a sucky turn out for this in ONE person out of 70 invites. Oh well. Better luck next time...right?? celebration I am reposting the post that started this all. Thanks to my dear friend David:

Donating to the Retards ( I know you are going to tell me that isn't a PC term....who cares!!)

So my husband and I are watching the news late one night and there is a special interest story that comes on. It is a sweet little piece about a group of people who have started a softball league for mentally retarded children. They talk about how it gives the kids a better self esteem and shows many clips of the volunteers helping the children bat and round the bases. It was so sweet that it brought tears to my eyes. At the end of the segment the station posts phone numbers and addresses so you can get more information or donate to help out this organization. (Now it is important to know before this next part that I am involved in a greyhound rescue organization right now) Anyway, without missing a beat I turn to my husband and say "If I wasn't already helping the dogs, I would donate to the retards." I thought he was going to fall off the couch laughing. He has since written down my quote and has it posted on the fridge as a reminder of my inability to think before I speak.

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