Saturday, May 06, 2006

Week in Review

This week one of our teachers had her students write thank you notes (I REALLY wish I had thought to bring them home. Will have to take pics and share later) and some of these notes were delivered to teachers in the building. You know, it seems, right as I can't take anymore and I don't want to do this job and I hate everything about it, someone will do something like this and the kids remind me why I am a teacher. I swear to you, I hate admitting how much I love those kids some days.

I got a few thank yous and they let me know how I had made teaching fun and how much they enjoyed being in my class and getting to know me. One of my former students who is in the 8th grade made me a clever thank you (this I will HAVE to share a picture of) that was a paper hat. He told me that I got through to him on how wearing one of those when he goes up will not be an option! LOVE IT!! I got through to one. It is like the starfish story, "made a difference to that one". If you don't know it, let me know and I will be happy to find it and share it with you.

So then two of my girls in my 5th period gave me a card and two gifts (a delightful body spray and lotion). The card let me know how much they would miss me next year when I wasn't at the school anymore.

Guilt trips?? I think not. Pulling at my heart and reminding me that I do important work.....definitely.

Peace out.


~A4O~ said...

What up Texas Grey? Is there any meaning behind the Texas Grey name? Anyways, I'm glad some of the kids see what you do for them. Lets call them the one percenters and it's the one percenters that keep us going. I've learned over the years that experiences mold people and you allow these kids to experience everyday, for better or worse. Without teachers there would be no progress in this world....None. I'm glad you liked the poem. I'm working on one right now entitled "Lost One's." It's proving to be difficult. So many angles. Anyways, drop by when you get a chance and take it easy...

Texas Grey said...

Texas Grey does have meaning and it was a good friend that helped me come up with this name. Being from Texas is part of it. I absolutely love this state and although I may choose one day to try living else where my heart will always be here.
The Grey part is about my "boys". I have two greyhounds, ex-racers. Both are rescue dogs and they are the most amazing pet anyone could ever have. They are lazy most of the time, but when they get in the mood to play and run in the back yard it is a trip to watch them.
It is the one percenters that are keeping me in this job and that make it so hard to think about leaving.