Saturday, May 20, 2006

8th Grade Dance

So last night I got to party with my former students at their 8th grade dance. They always come so dressed up and look so nice. I was a bitter sweet night for me too. I got to see my kids, and I do mean MY kids, looking more grown up than ever. As I got lots of hugs and compliments (mostly about my weight loss, since the top I wore showed me off a little more), I had to keep reminding myself that I want out of teaching. It is so hard when you get really sweet letters or when you get hugs from kids that love you or you are told how much they appreciate you.

We (the teachers) did a dance for the kids to "Snap your fingers" by Lil Jon. The kids really got into it. I had so much fun. I was still wound up when I went home and it took me until midnight to get tired.

4 more days and the best group of kids I ever had the honor to teach will be moving on to high school. That is the hardest part of being a teacher....when the kids move on and you don't. Some kids I want to follow all the way to their senior year and see how much they grow and change over the years. I think I would follow this group right through if I could. They are amazing!

Peace out my peeps.....will be posts a rather controversial and blasphemous post is all in a good fun....funny as hell as long as you don't take me seriously. Until then....PEACE

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