Sunday, February 26, 2006

Weekend Blues

I am not really sure where it all began, but somewhere along the way my weekend got completely derailed. I am sure the wreck after school on Friday should have clued me in that the weekend was not going to be a BLAST, but I, at least, hoped for a little fun.

We went out to the usual haunt last night, after a "before the action" party at the neighbor's house. I am not sure that it was best going out. I was pretty far gone and we didn't get to the bar until after midnight. I am not thinking that was a good idea either. I know there seemed to be several fights starting, but everything was moving in slow motion for me so I really could careless. I just kind of hung out until everyone was ready to come home.

Everyone was under the impression that I was mad or upset last night, but I wasn't. Just no one to play with and joke around with, or no one nearby in that goofy ass kind of mood so I completely mellowed out and just sat back and watched the action. I think what freaked everyone out was how quiet I was. I guess I talk a lot more than I realize and my silence gave a few people the impression that something was wrong. And yeah I was thinking about a lot of things, but nothing that was that big of a deal. One of my thoughts was how nice it was to not be in pain. It sucks when your back and chest still hurt the night after the accident.

One really cool thing though was going to a seminar where a top make up artist in the States taught me and 430 other women how to apply make up and how to help our customers look their best. It was a blast listening to him and I learned a lot. I can't wait to put some of what I learned to good use!! I will have to get with my hostess on the 11th so I can do a quick one on one consultation with her and put together a perfect color 101 look for her party. I am sure she will love it. I have an awesome computer program that will take care of it.

Last but not least, I get to start my week with jury duty. Now until the last few years I saw no reason to register to vote. I mean, it isn't like anyone's vote really matters, at least that is what I thought for a long time until that Gore/Bush mess. I tried to register before the last presidential election, but it didn't take (I don't know why) so when I renewed my license I registered to vote. NO more than 2 months later I get a jury summons. Just what I want to do. The up side is that I won't have to go to hell and spend the day teaching kids that could give a flip less if I am there or note :-)

Hope you all have had a great weekend and I hope your week starts off wonderfully!!

Peace out!

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