Friday, February 24, 2006


So I am leaving school today and had just backed out and started pulling forward to leave, my phone rings and right as I am about to answer it .........


............Yes that would be the sound of my secretary's car smashing into my beautiful Ford Explorer!!!! Mother fucker! What is it with me being hit on freaking Fridays?? Luckily this time I won't have to report it to my insurance company (I hope) and we didn't do insurance exchange at the school because it was pouring down rain and she was VERY upset. Her hubs can talk to mine tonight.

Right now my chest and back are killing me. I have taken a pain pill and am having a beer.....good combo for pain, right? :-) I will be shocked if a bruise doesn't show up on my chest from the seatbelt. So much for my cute tube tops and slinky tanks (at least for this weekend LOL) This is unfreaking real!

The school day was crappy to begin with and now I am going to have to go through the process to get everything ready for me to have a freaking rental (which I HATE), get estimates and the whole damn deal again. And I really really really love what I drive right now!!! I don't like to be without my vehicle ever! I have no idea how all of this is going to work out. I am sure we will use the same people that fixed the mom-van, since they were so awesome. I really hope her company will let me use them. I don't know how all of that stuff works. Hubs will have to figure this all out.

So it looks like my weekend of fun has been put on hold and I have to be in a class tomorrow with a top make-up artist and learn how to put make up on women and myself. Wooo hooo, that should be fun. I just hope I am not hurting by then.

Peace out.

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