Sunday, February 05, 2006

Killer Lizard

I had to share this with you all since many of the people in my life don't get why I freaked. And now that the lizard isn't in my office where I can see him, then I am not so freaked anymore, but I know he is lurking about and that still gives me a little touch of fear.

Here is a picture of this vicious beast:

I was on the phone just minding my own business while PITA and hubs were out and I look up and in the corner is this lizard! What freaked me out even more is he looked at me and started to run in my direction. I was chased out of my own office by this little green beast!!

I am telling you, living on the ground floor in a house can have some serious down sides to it. Between these guys, the geckos and the frogs/toads, I never know what is going to jump out at me. I am told it is good that I have all of these guys because they keep away the bugs, but they still creep me out.

1 comment:

Sassy Blondie said...

Grey! You are a bigger drama queen than me, hands down! lol I would have tried to catch it and put it outside, but then again, I used to catch snakes with my dad and brother. It's bugs that creep me out...spiders give me a weak bladder. Keep the little green monster. He'll keep the evil eight-legged freaks away!