Sunday, February 05, 2006

Emerging talent

I have found an outlet of sorts. In December for my birthday I asked hubs to get me some drawing stuff. I am sure he was wondering what I had been smoking, but I decided I wanted to draw. So I went, took me like 30 minutes to find the right paper. Everything else was pretty standard. I can't just draw from my head, but I enjoy using pictures that I find attractive and doing those in charcoal. Some come out great, others....Well.....I am getting there. I may even eventually go to the art teacher I admire so much in my school and get a few tips. But I want to draw a few things so she has an idea of what I can do and how I can improve. Anyway, I had to share this one with you. I am VERY proud of how she turned out.

Now if I can get all of them to look this great :-)

Mr. StarWars.....THANK YOU!!! I have been worried and I wanted an update. Let your FIL know that I am thinking of him and praying for him. See you Tuesday, I hope.

Peace out......

1 comment:

Sassy Blondie said...

Wow! That is good! I'm so jealous...I can't even draw a straight line with a ruler. At best, I can draw a decent stick figure.