Saturday, January 14, 2006

The blog you have all been waiting for

If you read about my resignation letters, then you are probably wondering what has come of it all. First let it be known that I have not been fired, nor is there anyway they can fire me at this point in time.

Well, at 10:30 that night I must have gotten a phone call from the school (time stamped on caller ID) and the machine picked it up I guess. I heard the message later about being told to not come into school, I guess I was being put on admin leave without any due process. I don't think they can do that. Also, seems an e-mail was sent that did the same thing, telling me not to come into school:
"Considering the situation after school today, and your not being able to meet with me tomorrow, and your emails of resignations tonight, I really feel it would be best for you to stay home tomorrow and get an additional day of rest and time to grade your papers so you can complete your Progress Reports. I tried to call you and left a message on your recorder. I am following up with this email. Use middle school code 12 when calling the substitute system. Please plan to meet with me at 8 am on Tuesday morning in my office."
Again, once I read that after my morning duty, that sounded a LOT like being put on admin leave to me.

I was caught in the hallway by the head principal after duty and told to meet her in her office on my conference period (2nd period of the day). Once she found time to meet with me (she had me waiting in the front office for like 20 minutes), she called me and it was interesting, someone from human resources was there. Hmmmm, she didn't tell me anything about HR being there. Shouldn't that have been something she would inform me of in advance?

Here is what it all boils down to...
I broke two school board policies
  1. I didn't write a letter to my principal to send to the assistant super over personnel about my intentions of selling Mary Kay. It seems that everyone in our school district that has a second job or any interests that they profit from (I think this might even include participating in eBay auctions) has to write a letter disclosing that information to the principal and the district. Very interesting, I asked if other teachers in the district had done that and I was told "We can't discuss other teachers with you". No you can't, but you can tell me if across the board if all of the other teachers have actually done this or not. So I am being singled out for this little school board policy when all these other teachers in the district with second jobs and such haven't written letters.
  2. I misused government property for personal gain. I had no idea that out of the school hours (8-4) that I was doing anything wrong. I honestly didn't. But apparently, you have to have a lease to use the building anytime you use it for personal gain.

Well, no punishments were discussed, but my gut tells me she is getting ready to try and build a case against me to fire me. Sad thing is, she will not be able to actually do that. I will do my job and do it well, I will keep parents happy and loving me and I will work my butt off for those kids. But as I told the principal and the HR lady, I will no longer give her free hours of my time working for her and I will no longer tell her yes to any extra little duties.

Before this whole thing I would have said yes to her for anything she wanted; I would have done anything she asked. I was even questioned during the meeting why I sent an e-mail a week and a half ago offering to take on the 7th grade cheer squad when their sponsor got a job as an assistant principal in another district. I told her that I offered that because I would have done anything possible to help out her and the school and that I will no longer have that frame of mind with her after the way she spoke to me and treated me Thursday night. I did state that in front of HR. HR told the principal that she this is what she is hearing me say "I hear TexasGrey saying that she works very hard for you, puts in long hours and has been willing to do anything you ask of her and she feels you show her no appreciation for all of her efforts" To this the head principal had no idea what to say. I mean those of you reading this that have been in that building know what the hell I am talking about and it is true, we are NEVER appreciated for all we do.

Well, last night I got a call from a wonderful teacher in our building who is helping me get in contact with the regional TSTA person to talk about this. TSTA rep REALLY wants to talk to me and I was told I need to know how to get into contact with the TSTA lawyers whenever needed. I will no longer go into a meeting with the head principal without a representative there with me to take notes that is there for me, since I found out that the HR person who was in the meeting is a very close personal friend of head principal. Funny thing is hubs brought it to my attention that this HR person was the same person who helped me out about 5 years ago when I was being harassed at a building and told me if I ever need anything to let her know. So the next time I meet with her I will let her know my MIL (who directed me to her) says hello and once again thank you for her support and help with the situation at my former middle school.

Sad thing is, this principal really has no idea who she is dealing with and what she has done. She told me she is having to tell people how I have not been doing my duties and handling my responsibilities. Funny. I was told by another teacher, who has heard the principals talk about how professionally I have handled things with my department and within the building and how impressed they are with me. Interesting how I have gone from a teacher praised by principals, parents and other teachers, to someone they want to fire.

Anyway~ That is the low down on what is going on. Sad when a principal will run off good teachers because of her ego and pride.


Sassy Blondie said...

Grey...HB's up shit creek without a paddle! LOL Karma is a bitch! RO is great...come work with me!

Texas Grey said...

I know she is. I will keep that in mind :-) Besides, I can always make a move back to Sped or teach a younger grade.

It is supportive friends like you that will make this Spring so much easier on me.