Monday, August 15, 2005

Back to school

I didn't think I could be this tired after the first day of school.

Once again I have the sixth period from hell. I am starting to think there must me some law I don't know about because every year my sixth period is AWFUL!! Loser freaks! I will make these kids into the type of class I want or I will run them through the discipline plan so fast they will be suspended before the first six weeks is up!

All in all my groups weren't bad though. However they are not the classes and kids I had last year. I miss my students from last year sooooo much. They are great kids, and I got many hugs today welcoming me back to school.

I was heart broken to find that one of my students spent two weeks in the hospital over the summer. I wish SOMEONE had told me during the summer when it happened so that I could visit him at the hospital. He fell of a moving car and had bleeding on his brain. Thank goodness he is healthy.

I look forward to getting to know more things about my new students as the year progresses.

Here is crossing my fingers to a GREAT year.

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