Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas break

Boy do I ever know how to kick off a break!! I got out of school at 1pm on Tuesday. Got home with daughter and hubs and was hanging out. Got Chipotle for dinner and planned how I was going to spend the next couple of days shopping and getting all my Christmas stuff done. I was even planning on going to my dad's house for their Christmas thing (even though he doesn't want to reconcile with me). Wednesday morning I wake up at 4:30 in pain. A lot like the pain I had on Monday morning. Hubs decided it was best to take me to the emergency room. Joy, joy. Turns out my gall bladder looks a LOT like a bag of marbles and they suggested I go ahead and have it out. So by 4:30pm on my FIRST day of Christmas break, I had to have my gall bladder removed. What a way to start Christmas vacation huh?

I am doing better. I am about to go out and do my last little run of Christmas shopping and then I need to start working on getting the house ready to have family here for Christmas dinner. I promise I am going VERY slow and resting between each little task, but there are things that just have to be done.

Peace out my peeps. I hope your Christmases are everything you want them to be.

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