Sunday, July 09, 2006

Insert foot

It is summer again and for me that means a lot of nights watching TV since I don't have to worry about being at various school activities. A couple of weeks ago I did it again with the open mouth, insert foot thing and hubs wrote down my quotes. UGH, why is it that the only time he seems to really pay attention to me is when I say something about Jesus being gay or something about mentally challenged people?

So here we go.....Special Olympics. The Today show did a cute little segment on the Special Olympics and the athletes. (Let it be known, I got my start in education in a classroom with mentally retarded students and spent 6 years in special education before going out into general ed to reach more kids. It is this fact that I think makes hubs pay closer attention when I open my mouth with a comment.) So I was watching the video and they were showing the kids. The kids they showed were so perfectly normal looking (not saying all mentally challenged people don't look normal, but...nevermind, I don't have a taste for foot right now). I then turn to hubs and say "Do you think they checked them all out? You know to make sure they were retarded?" He just stares at me, I am sure in shock, but I can't stop there: "Do you think teams bring in ringers?" That is when he got the sheet of paper and started dating and writing down my quotes.

So last night...the neighbors ask if we want to come over and watch a movie. They picked up The Ringer. I had NO IDEA there was a movie about my idea to bring ringers to the special olympics to win!!! The movie was.....lacking, but cute.

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