Friday, July 14, 2006

Boarding Schools

Ok, so life with PITA took another painful turn. She is about to drive me nuckin' futs. Things have gotten a little quieter, but she comes home from summer school yesterday to let me know that this boy in her class wants her to go to the movies with him this weekend and just hang out. Today, upon further questioning, I find out that the boy is 17 and planning on DRIVING PITA to the movies. Ok, I am pretty sure my daughter is on crack!! How does she go from me wanting to kill her last weekend for her conversations with young me to thinking that I am going to let her go on a car date with a guy I don't know???

Anyway...I have been researching boarding schools. I have found several that are possibilities. The scariest part is the fact that most of the schools will keep her from 9-12 months and the cost is $30k to $40k for her to be gone. Hello student loans. Something I didn't have to deal with in college. I don't know if it is the right thing to do or not. I am going to call a lady on Monday to talk about our options. Hubs has been against this until PITA shot off her mouth and let him know that nothing we do works so she figures this will not work either. Oh poor, PITA, that nearly sounded like a challenge. In all honesty...this is killing me. I don't want to send my child away or admit that I am one of the freaking worst parents ever who can't get their child to make good choices. Sometimes I wonder if I really screwed up her life by having her as young as I did. I know she is the one making the bad choices, but I feel like I should take all the blame. Is that normal??

PS....Say a little prayer for hubs' Kitty. She is in the vet clinic tonight. She is a very sick little baby right now and the docs are just trying to hydrate her right now. She has been there and helped hubs through a lot...I don't think he is ready to give her up just yet.

Peace out my peeps.....may your weekend be a blast.

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