Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Summertime in the city

Ahhhh, summer....sweet, sweet summer.

So the first weekend of summer got off just right. Friday night we drank all of the toxins of the school year away with good friends. We had poker, drinking and mooning. Lots of fun LOL. Saturday we slept. I don't mean slept in, I mean slept. I got up around 10, went back to bed at 4:30 and didn't get out of bed again until 9 or so Sunday morning. I got like 20 hours of sleep out of 24, not a bad start to the summer if you ask me.

Now the real work begins. There are lots of decisions to be made about my future, something I am not real sure about right now. I am in a time of true uncertainty about my life. I think things will work out as they should and I will just keep trucking along and doing what I am led to do. That has always been my biggest problem obeying God LOL. Go figure, must be part of the reason for my God issues.

Peace out my peeps.....hope to catch some of you soon this summer and not fall completely out of touch.

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