Thursday, May 11, 2006

Dog Fight

Ok, not really, more like a sibling spat. My greys had a little disagreement yesterday when we got home from school. Hubs was pulling up in the back and they rushed to meet him at the gate. We think one stepped on the other and someone got mad and the next thing we know they were on their hind legs going at one another. They have never shown any signs of aggression to each other so we were shocked to say the least.

Dagwood, our red fawn grey, lost. We took him to the vet because his ear was torn up and we thought he was going to need stitches. Well, the doc took a good look at him and let us know he was going to need reconstructive surgery on that ear. Can you say cha-ching?? He had surgery last night and I got the call around 10:30 letting me know he came out of anesthesia. That was my biggest concern knowing how greys are with that.

I got to pick my boy up tonight after school and here is how he looks. The pics look pretty bad, but he is in good spirits. The worst part is the cone. I feel like I have the "special" dog on the block now. Hubs says no walks for him until the cone comes off, too embarrassing for us and him.

Here is my "special" dog in his cone.

This picture shows both ears, the one on the left is the one they had to do reconstruction on and the other has a laceration with a staple in it.

Here is a better shot of the reconstructed ear.

I think now is a good time for hubs and I to look into pet insurance. I wonder if it is worth it.

Peace out.....sleep well.

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