Monday, January 09, 2006

God and Partying Part Deux

Ok, we got God out of the way.......

So Saturday night after we got home from church we checked in with my fave neighbors next door (Trucker and Party Girl). They were getting ready to go out to eat and invited hubs and I to go to a dive of a bar with them after dinner. What the hell, sounds like a LOT of fun to me. So we go. Hubs and I started with a pitcher of Coors Light (you know, the whole WWs thing, watching my weight and all). Then I decided I wanted 2 shots of tequila brought to me. Jose loves me, always has, never gives me a hang over and he is my main man when it comes to something hard to drink. So have those and about 3 glasses of beer at this point.
Hubs and Trucker go to pick up Trucker's bike that he is trying to sell and there was this motorcycle gang (ok, not really it is a club, but they are cool) at the bar and they wanted to see the bike. So I am left with Party Girl, alone, both feeling pretty good and no men watching us. Party Girl is an awesome dancer and I hope once I get my body where I want it that she will help get to get some of those moves down. Hubs and I agree she could make a killing in a strip joint. She has that booty poppin' thing down! Anyway, Party Girl, hits the dance floor and all is going well, then these two guys try to sandwich her in between them. Well, one of these BIG black guys at the biker table (I think it was the one they called Sarge) gets up, takes Party Girl's hand and leads her away. To which I get up from my table to find out what the hell is going on. Come to find out Trucker was asked by the biker guys if he wanted them to watch his wife while the men left us there. So that is what he was doing. We were invited to their table and spent the evening hanging out with them.
Another friend of ours showed up at the bar and made eye contact with hubs, but told him to be quiet (this is while we are at the table with the biker gang). All the sudden I feel a person trailing kisses across the back of my neck. Party Girl was flipping out and trying to get hub's attention. It was quite funny. But this old friend talked me into going out on the dance floor, something I don't feel I should be doing for at least another 60 pounds (and that is weight loss people!), but I finally got pushed into it enough. It is this body image thing that I can't get past and as I tell a good friend (yes you are reading this) and he tells me enough, you have to start changing those old tapes and create news positive ones about yourself. I have a hard time with that, but I got out there and danced and it felt so awesome. I even had a guy come up behind me and grind and dance with me. Hubs, who was sober, told me I looked really good on the floor and I wasn't grossing anyone out.....see body image issues.
Hubs got me home around 2:30am and had to put me to bed, taking off all my rings and earrings and helping me get out of my clothes. I remember pulling up to the house, and being in bed, and PITA swears I talked to her when we got home (still don't know why she wasn't asleep), but I remember nothing from the truck (Trucker's F250) to the bed LOL. Hubs wouldn't even take advantage of me when I gave him permission.....such a gentleman.
So that was Saturday night......and I even got together with friends on Sunday night....AND, her wonderful new boyfriend (I really like this guy, but he probably thinks I am a nutcase, but then those of you who know is probably true) lives in a part of Dallas where we can go to his place and WALK to like 20 bars!!!!!!!!!!!! I have NEVER been bar hopping......and even better, see he learned I am looking for a gay boyfriend, be damned if his roommate isn't gay and he said I could have him or he could help me find one. I really wanted one for Christmas, but alas, no gay boyfriend under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning.

Peace OUT my peeps.....more soon.....PITA has a new boy in her life :-) Will share soon.

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