Monday, October 10, 2005


Princess PITA has been suspended from the drill team for failing two classes (English and Spanish, I am starting to wonder what freaking language she speaks). Anyway, rumors spread quickly about other members of her drill team having their grades fixed so they could perform. Hmmm, very interesting and two of the girls were the officers. Hubby, in an effort to get to the bottom of the rumors and to find out if any other parents had heard anything, decided to e-mail the booster club list and see if anyone else had heard this vicious rumor. Hmmm, the plot thickens, because the FIRST person to respond with in 15 minutes of hubby sending out the e-mail was an officer's mom who claimed her daughter was at the center of this rumor. She named teachers and other stuff that went down concerning her daughter. She seemed quite angry and offended by the e-mail. Several more parents e-mailed and thanked hubby for saying what many of them were thinking and having the courage to speak up and ask what the hell was going on. This afternoon the sponsor sent out a "CYA" e-mail, she sounded like someone who knew she was screwed. You know, being a sponsor of a cheerleading squad for the last three years I know how parents of girls involved in cheer and drill team can be, however I never thought I would come across a corrupt sponsor. I am furious about this. I have spent nearly a $1000 for PITA to be in drill team and this is just the JV squad!!! She has been miserable. This isn't suppose to be a horrible experience. I am all for her sitting out because she failed because I am a parent that believes my daughter should suffer consequences for her poor choices and I am pissed that her sponsor talked to teachers and had grades changed for girls on her team so they wouldn't be sitting out. Trust me I know how much it sucks when more than half your squad is benched. I had 3 cheerleaders (out of 10) one year for a basketball game!! I didn't go and beg teachers to change grades or bend the rules so they wouldn't be benched for misbehavior. What the hell do these parents and sponsors think they are teaching these kids? Her response to the booster club just showed that she is worried. I think she did something she shouldn't have, but OH well, I guess she is caught. Hubby is hoping to hear from the head principal of the high school. I swear no one there can know how disorganized and messed the JV squad is. I think it will be better to get PITA involved in yearbook staff or something like that next year. I am not going to deal with the politics of drill team for four years.

Anyway, the "poor PITA" is because I am worried about her paying for us trying to bring to light what is going on in this organization. If I find out that her sponsor says ANYTHING to her about this e-mail or us asking about this grade issue she will be one sorry ass first year teacher/sponsor. She doesn't know what she is dealing with when she comes across hubby and I. We have been in the school district too long and know how to make life hell for someone who screws over our PITA!

Ok, rant over.

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