Thursday, October 13, 2005

New Word

I learned a new word tonight. (who says you can't learn things watching TV?)


Of course the context clue kind of gave me a definition of the word, but I still had to look it up. It is a GREAT word and one I understand completely. It means in a bitter and sharp manner.

Princess PITA is treating me acrimoniously (can the word be changed to this?) these days.

Given that I have discovered that she has been experimenting sexually at 14, I figure I have every right to be mad and frustrated with her. She of course is pissed at me and thinks I am going overboard with my reaction. I don't know what the right reaction is anymore, but I do know that I am wiped out after two days of this crap.

Please someone, ANYONE, tell me how a girl at 14 could give a guy a blow job in the middle of the afternoon in the driveway behind the house and NOT hiding behind a car or bush or anything. Just out there for the whole fucking world to see!!! And doesn't see anything wrong with this is that possible?

I am so lost as a parent right now. I have no idea what is the right thing to do and I am seeking counsel from many of my peers, but many (more like all) of them don't have kids my daughter's age (if they have kids at all). I have clamped down at home, she goes no where without us and she isn't allowed alone. She has an appt with the gyn next week (can't wait to see how she handles that doc appt). She has a counseling appointment this weekend. I don't know what else I should be or could be doing, but I feel like I am not doing enough.

I just feel helpless.

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