Sunday, October 09, 2005

My horoscope

Ok, since it is nearly 3am and I am still freaking wide awake I thought I would read my horoscope for today.

You're in an unusually extravagant mood -- yes, even more so than usual. The risk-loving, fiery side of your personality is running just as high, so you're definitely not what one might call a fount of willpower at the moment -- but then, have you ever been? Still, don't set yourself up. It will be easy for a friend to talk you into being excessive -- especially if you've already offered to foot the entire bill.

It amazes me sometimes how my horoscope can be dead on for how I am feeling at a particular time LOL. I have spent a few hours tonight looking at Sony Digital cameras (I want a new one so bad!!). The main one I have been looking at is $600, yep that falls under extravagant. Good thing I told hubby that I would be happy with the $250 model that is a little older :-)

Alright, I think I might try going to bed and see if sleep and I can find one another.

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