Thursday, July 21, 2005

Why the hell can't they do it like I tell them?

Life would be so much easier if the people living in my house could just do things they way I tell them. Come on...there are two ways to do things....the wrong way or my way. How hard is that to learn?

My daughter has gotten the privilege of painting her bedroom. She wanted to do something fun with the walls and got my approval. Now it seems to me, if I am going to paint stripes on a wall then it would make sense to LEAVE the tape on while I paint the stripes. Even after telling my wonderful 14-year-old this and my 16-year-old sister who was helping, somehow the message didn’t stick. So they take the tape off and the stripes are a little funky around the edges. Then when I tell them to keep the drop clothes on the floor they don’t do that and so the only room in the house with "new" carpet, now has paint on it. It was one little disaster after another. But it is all ok for me since it isn’t my room and I don’t have to live with it for the next four years. She is the one that has to sleep in there and look at the room she has created.

I have to remind myself frequently that my daughter is a teen and has all the freaking answers. I guess the next time I have a problem to solve I will consult the wisdom of the teenager. Because don’t they know it all??

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